Small Animals - Booking Your Stay
Booking Information
Booking as early as possible to avoid disappointment is always the best option, however we like to think we are able to offer a fairly responsive service no matter how 'last minute' it may be.
Booking requests can be made via the Book now button on the front page of our website or via email. Please note that we do not take bookings via social media platforms.
Once we receive your booking request, we will send you an email with the details you will require to forward your 50% non- refundable deposit to secure your booking. Only upon receipt of your deposit, we will be able to confirm that your booking is confirmed. Deposit payment will act as an agreement that the customer accepts our published terms and conditions and payment policy.
You will receive an email shortly before your pets arrival requesting the final balance payment.

When booking for Rabbits and Guinea pigs please specify which type of accommodation you would prefer for your pet (standard or Extra Large run) as we need to process this manually.
Please note that you will be asked to provide your email address and set up a password when checking availability. However, this information is not used for any purpose other than access to our system. If you have any questions, please get in touch.
Important Information for Boarding Rabbits
All rabbits boarding with us (and indeed any reputable boarding establishment) must first be fully vaccinated. To protect your rabbits against Myxomatosis , Rabbit Viral Haemorrhagic disease (RVHD) 1 and Rabbit Viral Haemorrhagic disease (RVHD) 2.
Full information about the required vaccinations for rabbits is available from your vet and also from the Rabbit Welfare Association and Fund (RWAF). To comply with our terms and conditions of boarding, you are required to provide your rabbits vaccination certificates each time that they board or to have uploaded an image of thier valid vaccination card onto thier profile page of our booking system. Regrettably we will be unable to board your rabbit if proof of up-to-date vaccinations is not provided.

Opening Hours
Monday to Saturday
9.30am until 10.30am
4pm until 5pm
Sundays, Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve
9.30am to 10.30am
(closed to the Public on Bank holidays including Christmas Day, Boxing Day & New Year's Day)
When planning your visit please allow sufficient time to settle your pet into their accommodation and to complete the required documentation within the opening hour.
Please note that we are closed for the following dates
23rd February - 4th March 2025
28th April - 14th May 2025